Bigger Neater - Programmed (2020)
SS Mann 7-08-2022 199 
Bigger Neater - Programmed (2020)

Label: Defeat Never Victory Forever
Genre: Grindcore
Country: USA
Year: 2020
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Size: 48 MB
Scans: No
1. Burn The Fucking System To The Ground
2. Corporate Media
3. Drunk Guy Wants To Fight
4. Everything Except Grindcore Sucks
5. Hategrind In Your Face
6. Holy Fucking Shit Here Comes The Ice Cream Truck
7. Concrete Desert
8. I Have A Dream...
9. Inner City Mortuary
10. It's Nothing But A Shower
11. Jagerbomb!
12. Jehova's Slave
13. Krustallnacht
14. Reliable Sources
15. Social Collapse
16. Spread Some Fucking Chaos
17. Until I Die
18. Will Commence Again
19. Everybody's Gay Except For Me
20. Arson At The Bat Mitzva
21. Auschwitz Grand Reopening
22. I Beat Up Niggers And Faggots
23. Legalize Slavery
24. Shoulda Kept 'Em Segregated
25. Stand Against The Firing Wall
26. This Is The Song I Will Listen To When Niggers Go Extinct
27. When Science Meets Hatred
28. Welcome To The Holocaust

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