Seges Findere - Nuklear Terrorsonic Power (2017)
SS Mann
1. Warmachine Damnation
2. Omnipotent Destruction
3. The Howl Of Atomic Winds
4. Radioactive Flagellum
5. Pulverized By The Fire Of Hatred
6. Die Untermenscheisse
7. Warbliteration Hammer
8. Nihilistic Suppression
9. Barbaric Warslaughters
10. Nuklear Terrorsonic Power
2. Omnipotent Destruction
3. The Howl Of Atomic Winds
4. Radioactive Flagellum
5. Pulverized By The Fire Of Hatred
6. Die Untermenscheisse
7. Warbliteration Hammer
8. Nihilistic Suppression
9. Barbaric Warslaughters
10. Nuklear Terrorsonic Power
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