Sacrificial Massacre & Jugra - Bronze Collaboration Of East & West (2019)
1. Sumange' Massasa
2. Demi Bangsa Demi Tanahair Demi Agama
3. Penyeruan Semangat Pertempuran Purba
Sacrificial Massacre:
4. Sacrificial Reign Of Tlaloc's High Command
5. In Battle Towards Reclamation
6. Native Pride And Modern Warfare: Decolonize
1. Sumange' Massasa
2. Demi Bangsa Demi Tanahair Demi Agama
3. Penyeruan Semangat Pertempuran Purba
Sacrificial Massacre:
4. Sacrificial Reign Of Tlaloc's High Command
5. In Battle Towards Reclamation
6. Native Pride And Modern Warfare: Decolonize
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