Sacrificial Massacre - Guardians Of The Race (2020)
SS Mann 4-04-2024 78 

Label: Odio Bronce
Genre: Black Metal
Country: USA
Year: 2020
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Size: 141 MB
Scans: No
1. Tecpatl
2. Tenochitlan Reigns Supreme
3. Huitzilopochtli Or How To Philosophize With An Obsidian Blade
4. Tlamanalizth Teopohtica
5. United Towards The Sun
6. Eternal Ancient Blood
7. Neluapotl Ocelotl
8. Origins Of The Bronze War
9. Bronze Legions
10. Mitl Tlitik
11. Native Americans Against The Z.O.G.
12. Yaocelotl

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